Yoga Can Transform Anyone: Yogacharya Dhakaram
A smiling greeting to all of you. Welcome to our special series “A Step from Health to Happiness.” In the previous article, we discussed Agnisar Kriya, and today we will learn about Uddiyana Bandha.
In Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi are mentioned. On the other hand, if we talk about the Gheranda Samhita, it is Rishi Gheranda who first discussed the Shatkarma. Maharishi Gheranda emphasized that it is essential to cleanse the body before performing asanas, with special importance given to the practice of Nauli Kriya. Nauli Kriya, also known as Lauliki Kriya, primarily aims at cleansing the abdomen. Shatkarma includes Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Trataka, and Kapalbhati.
Practicing Uddiyana Bandha
Today, we will understand and practice Uddiyana Bandha. As mentioned earlier, Agnisar Kriya should be practiced before performing Nauli Kriya. Once Agnisar Kriya is mastered, one can start practicing Uddiyana Bandha. For Uddiyana Bandha, first, keep a distance of one to one and a half feet between your legs, approximately shoulder-width apart. Place the palms of your hands on your thighs and lean the body forward. Now, completely exhale and pull the abdominal muscles inward, attempting to draw the navel back towards the spine.
When it becomes difficult to hold the breath any longer, slowly stand up and relax. After resting for a while, once the abdominal muscles have relaxed, repeat this process. The practice can be performed for at least 2-3 minutes, and the duration can be increased over time.
This practice can also be done while sitting, but standing offers more benefits.

Benefits of Uddiyana Bandha
Our scriptures state that regular practice of Uddiyana Bandha strengthens the digestive system to such an extent that the stomach can even digest stones. This practice alleviates abdominal issues such as gastritis, acidity, constipation, and indigestion. It also makes the abdominal muscles flexible and strong and helps reduce abdominal obesity.
When practicing Uddiyana Bandha, it is essential to keep the following precautions in mind:
- This practice should only be done on an empty stomach.
- Individuals with a Pitta constitution, who have excess body heat, should avoid over-practicing this technique.
- Excessive practice of Uddiyana Bandha can dry out the abdominal muscles, potentially leading to constipation.
- Pregnant women should not practice this technique.
- Those with hernias, or ulcers, or who have undergone abdominal surgery should avoid this practice.
- Women should avoid this practice during menstruation.
- Those with back pain should also refrain from practicing this technique.
Thank you very much, and we are grateful for your continued support. May you remain joyful and keep smiling, and this is our prayer to God.